Friday, September 26, 2008


New Newsletter - Click Here

Fireproof had great numbers on Friday, lets make this weekend a big one!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Two Man Crew, Part Two (W15:D1)

Today was an interesting day, we only had one scene to shoot. We could have shot more but because of one important but stupid sounding problem, we couldn't. Ready for this?....BEARD CONTINUITY. Yea you heard me, a beard. The scene that was top priority was our last outdoor scene (thank goodness, weather is becoming an issue) and the beard needed to be a certain length, but the other planned scenes indoors required a longer beard. So we stuck to the one priority scene outside and go that done. It took a while longer than I would've liked, but all the equipment was at the church down the road and in the confusion we forgot a few things, was making a few mistakes along the way during shooting, etc. But we ended up getting it done. Very few days left to shoot. I'm looking forward to getting things wrapped up.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

The Funeral (W14:D1)

Today was a long and tough day for everyone. It was Eric Stevenson's (playing Steven) last day on set minus any last minute re-shoots that may or may not take place. It was also a tough day emotionally for the actors because of the performance needed without any dialog. Much needed to be said without anything being said, and the fact that it involved a funeral made it all that much more real. We were lucky enough to have a real casket and a real hearse donated for a few hours graciously by Hardison Funeral Home of Lewiston, NY. The light outside was perfect for the shots we needed, not a single light was brought out or bounce card or flag or anything of the sort. The footage turned out amazing, I'm very happy with what we got.

From there we moved inside, we had just enough extras to pull off what we needed. A third of the people who had signed up to arrive did not show but just enough showed up that were not on our list to fill in the gaps. Everyone was very patient with us and had lots of fun. Thanks to everyone who came out if your reading this, none of this is possible without all of you.
We are about 95% of the way done with shooting, the remaining 5% will be the hardest to get in terms of scheduling. Thats just the way things "worked out" I guess, and by that I mean "thats the way God ordained it to be." We'll see what happens, we are close, very...very...close. I can't wait to see what God does during the next and last 5%.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

New Newsletter - 09.17.08

There is a new newsletter available to you:

It's worth a look, some information on another Christian production company based in Ohio that needs your help! Also Fireproof is released in just about a week, times a tickin. If you haven't bought your tickets yet visit to find a theater and purchase tickets now.

This Saturday is the last big day of shooting, we have a few more days after that but this one is the last big day with extras, and lots to shoot in a short amount of time. Fun times. Pray that all goes well! Sorry I can't clue you into what is being secret...for now.

Also we have some Post-Production expenses we need to take care of to finish the film. If any of you out there even have 10 bucks you can donate, we would appreciate the support. The fundraiser ends a while from now so you all got plenty of time if your a saver. Hopefully something happens :)

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Two Man Crew (W13:D1)

Today went well considering we had (as you could probably guess by the title of the entry...) two crew members. Myself and my Gaffer Shaun Smith. We had a few reshoots to do as well as some bits and pieces needed for previously shot scenes. We also tried out a new lens we haven't used yet. It provides a 1:1 image, meaning if you were to have a lens like this on a film camera with this kind of ratio...a frame of 35mm of a dime would be exactly the size of that dime. This allows some serious depth of field on close up objects whether it be papers, coins, phones, eyes, or pretty much anything you would need to get extremely close to. We made good use of the lens today, I'm thrilled with what we were able to get. We have a handful of days left, we're not out of the woods yet but we are close. I'm excited to see this thing get wrapped up. Lots of post work coming down the pike.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Our Film & the others out there!

One thing we all have to do is support each other. Christian film is a young market, a new category in comparison to the secular world. I've plugged other Christian films here but I figured I would do it again. :) Take advantage of these links below for each film and share it with others. Seriously, it will take only 5mins of your time to share this blog entry with people on your email list, or post it on Facebook in your profile, etc. Since this market is so new, take it upon yourself to help all of us out there in the film industry and spread the word about our films. We can't make more films if we don't get the films out there, we can't get the films out there without money, money is limited for most people, and donations are normally limited as well so the best way to help is SPREAD THE WORD!!!! I'm kinda drilling it into your heads here but I have to.

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FIREPROOF: In Theaters Sept. 26th!
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SAVING GOD: On DVD Oct. 2008
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BRINGING UP BOBBY: Release Date 2009
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