Friday, November 21, 2008

The Night Shoot #3 (W22:D1)

Tonight was our last night shoot, and it was a tough one. We had quite a bit to do and not a lot of time to do it in but God was faithful. We ended up having plenty of time in the end to do what was needed. The scene we shot tonight was extremely hard for Rob (playing Dave) because the performance had to be dead on. Before we shot the scene we specifically prayed that God would work through him to speak to the viewers. This is a moment in the film where many will relate to what is being said, and it needed to be of the Lord and not of any of us. Even the lines we had written were totally up for changes if the Lord saw fit to change them in the moment. Rob did a great job and the scene looks like it'll be powerful when it's complete.Tonight was also another night where two crew members were present. Two crew (myself and my gaffer Shaun Smith), and one actor. How we have been able to pull off what we are with the amount of people we have is a true testament to God's intervention and leading. We really feel he has his hand on this film and we can't wait to see what he does with it.

We only have a few more days left until wrap time...we are so close.

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